The Write Spot to Jumpstart Your Writing: Discoveries

The Write Spot to Jumpstart Your Writing: Discoveries

How Discoveries came about:

In preparation for our son and his now wife to get married in our yard, my husband and I began renovating the yard. We spent almost every day from October 2016 to June 2017 planning, shopping, hauling, digging, planting, and more planning, shopping, hauling. . . you get the idea. It was an intense project.

Around January 2017 I realized after such busyness, it will be a letdown with nothing to do after the wedding. I needed a project to get me through After The Big Event Slump.

I thought about what I had wanted to do for a long time . . . produce a book for writers. I thought of the writers in the Jumpstart writing workshops that I facilitate. Over the years gorgeous writing has evolved from this group.

I formulated a plan and got to work. I gathered writing from Jumpstarters, organized the contents, and sent everything to Jo-Anne Rosen, book formatter extraordinaire. Through her magic, The Write Spot to Jumpstart Your Writing: Discoveries was produced.

Discoveries reveals techniques used in Jumpstart Writing Workshops. Whether you want to write fiction, memoir, non-fiction, or poetry, or if you are experiencing writers block, Discoveries will inspire your writing and open doors for self-discovery and transformational writing.

Missed Opportunities by DS Briggs


I was deprived of brown bagged school lunches. I never had a lunch box with a sandwich wrapped in wax paper. Never got to eat or trade sandwiches made with squishy white balloon bread. Missed out on dried-out baloney, peanut butter and grape jelly or tuna fish saturated bread. I missed out on homemade cookies, Hostess cupcakes, and Twinkies. I never got to carry a Nancy Drew or Dale Evans thermos. Worst of all my best and second best friends were cold lunch people.
I missed out on all the wonders of bagged lunches because my mom was convinced that buying a hot lunch was more cost effective. I have often wondered if the fact that she did not like to cook or grocery shop factored into her decision.

The Write Spot to Jumpstart Your Writing: Discoveries is available for $15 at Amazon and Book Passage (Corte Madera) and as an ereader..

Lighting the path for reflection
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